Christmas is a time of joy and celebration but rising costs have also made it a tough time for some. Nobody should ever have to go hungry, which is why M&DH make regular donations to Bedford Foodbank. Our Christmas Foodbank donation weighed in at a whopping 80.2kgs, equating to 190 meals for individuals and families in need.
The need for help from the Foodbank continues to grow year after year, and they now regularly provide food for over 2000 people every month. This means giving people enough food for 3-4 days or around 10 meals. In 2023, 247,667 tonnes of food were distributed, 11,058 vouchers were redeemed, and 24,537 people were fed, including 8,691 children This represents a 25% increase from the previous year, highlighting the importance of our collective efforts in supporting those in need.