Out of Hours Motor Claims Helpline: 01522 708880
As the claims process is still the shop window of the Insurance industry, our clients’ experience of the process is of great importance to M&DH.
Claims are not handled with a one-size-fits-all approach, we pride ourselves in dealing with claims efficiently and with the best interests of our clients at the centre of our process.
That’s why all of our clients benefit from:

In House Claims Team
Our clients have access to our skilled in house Claims Team who are not afraid to challenge an insurer’s decision. We ensure that the person dealing with your claim understands your business, and that you have direct access to the Team without having to wait on hold to a call centre.

‘Cradle-to-Grave’ Claims Handling Service
We handle claims from initial notification to final settlement, our clients know that they can rely on our Claims Team to assist and provide information throughout the process.

24/7 Motor Claims Helpline
We are able to provide assistance outside of our office hours (9.30am to 5.00pm) should you be involved in a road traffic incident.
Please telephone 01522 708880 for assistance with out of hours reporting to insurers, roadside recovery, repair management and any necessary onward transportation.

Claims Analysis
We’re here to help you to understand and manage your risk. We provide claim reports and trend analysis, as required by you, to help you to understand your risk and look to improve your claims experience.